Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blessed Beginnings

So some of you may have been wanting to know what's new in my life... All I can say is Jesus. Everything in my life points back to Jesus. I have never been blessed so much in my life as the last couple years. I look back at what people have done in my life that has pointed me back to Christ and his sweet love, grace, mercy, and character. In these last few weeks I have really understood Bible verses more vividly, much like I was living them in my own life. I've always heard that what is in your heart will overflow through your actions. Not until I saw the love from one person to another with out shame in my life did I notice that Christ has a greater love than that and gives me greater joy than I can express. I have also experienced great peace in seeking the Lords will and learning what God wants in my life... I know so many people in the past have expressed their thoughts and opinions both worldly and biblically, but when God reveals to you his will for your life through his word, it is just amazing.

As you might know, I have always struggled with anxiety and the thought of organizing my thoughts into something that I can understand and clearly think with hasn't always been easy. I am thankful for God's word right now, more than I have ever been... he clearly has laid out for me and all people who follow him what is expected of me in my life and my interaction with him and others. Not only am I learning this alone, but with someone God has blessed me with to grow with in him.

Not only has this God created relationship opened my eyes up to who God is and how he alive and working, but my job has encouraged me and shown me that He has truly blessed me. There is nothing that I can do on my own accord. Only by his grace am I going to get things done with my students, and this thought has slowly leaked into other areas of my life... really giving me a new hope and even a paradigm shift on my life and what I am here for.

As God continues to show me himself through the tools that he has put in my life I will continue to share God's great work in my life... until my next post, look for him working in yours!